
Come to the aftertalk and signing with Maestro Bychkov

We warmly invite you to an aftertalk and autograph session with Chief Conductor and Music Director Semjon Bychkov on Thursday, May 2nd. The event will take place after the concert in the Ceremony Hall. Be sure to bring your recordings for signing!

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For those interested who do not have a ticket to the concert, we offer the opportunity to visit a guided tour of the exhibition Zhanna Kadyrova: UNEXPECTED at the Galerie Rudolfinum. The tour begins at 7:30 PM. To enter the Ceremony Hall, please use the entrance of the Galerie Rudolfinum from Alšovo nábřeží.

CDs for signing will be available for purchase in the Ceremony Hall throughout the event. Aftertalk will be in English, interpreted by Kateřina Tichá and moderated by Tereza Šindlerová.

We look forward to seeing you there.

About the concert